Actions to achieve Sustainable Urban Development

Why actions matter in achieving the 2030 Agenda

We have less than eight years remaining to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2020, the United Nations Secretary-General called upon a Decade of Action to accelerate and mobilise solutions at local and global levels and fully engage partners, people and communities across all sectors to leverage transformative changes. Therefore, it is crucial to collect and monitor committed actions and advance the progress and achievement of the Agenda 2030.

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WUF 11 – The Katowice Declared Actions

The eleventh session of the World Urban Forum (WUF11) will take place in Katowice, Poland, from 26 to 30 June 2022 under the theme Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future.

The theme’s relevance is stark as the world comes together to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, especially after the devastating effects of Covid-19 and the refugee situation due to the crisis in Ukraine.

The WUF11 will conclude with the Katowice Declared Actions.

These include the recommendations and commitments that representatives of government, civil society and the private sector take back to their home cities for further discussion and implementation. WUF11 Katowice Declared Actions are voluntary actions and commitments that support the NUA implementation and accelerate the SDGs’ attainment.

The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10) debated issues related to rapid urbanisation, building inclusive and resilient cities, and taking steps to accelerate their work towards the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Decade of Action. WUF10 began with a call to action and concluded with the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions committed by different partners and stakeholder groups.

The Abu Dhabi Declared Actions comprises actions committed on a voluntary basis by governments, partners, individuals, communities, and the business sector from cities and countries around the world to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Actions were produced in consultation with the WUF10 Advisory Group representatives from diverse urban development partners. The Actions are strategic level goals that will result from implementing new initiatives from various institutions and actors.

For more information on the Declared Actions, please visit here.

The first report on the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions: one year of implementation was published in 2021. The report details successes and highlights actions partners are engaging in to fulfil their commitments.

Actions At-a-Glance


Actively promote implementation of the United Nations Systemwide Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development among Resident Coordinators

• Endeavor to work with governments and local and non-State actors to promote sustainable urbanization to further the development objectives of the UN country teams in the areas of spatial equality and poverty eradication, prosperity and economic development, climate action and environmental sustainability, and crisis reduction and recovery. • Incorporate sustainable urban development as part of the development of the various instruments of the UN country teams, including: Common Country Analysis (CCA), the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (also known as Cooperation Framework), the implementation coordination groups of the results areas of the Cooperation Framework, and the monitoring of the implementation of the results areas. • Actively promote the implementation of the United Nations Systemwide Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development among Resident Coordinators by creating spaces for UN-Habitat participation in United Nations country team retreats, regional meetings of Resident Coordinators, and through global and regional webinars, among other forums.
Source: World Urban Forum

Implement the Global Compact on Inclusive and Accessible Cities

In the context of Voluntary Local Reviews the cities of Barcelona, Rostov-on-don, Betio Town, Kuala Lumpur, San Justo, Tandil, Seberang Prai, Buang, Sipalay City, Brussels Capital Region, Tawau, Esplugues de Liboregat, Turkestan City and Acapulco de Juarez, join previous signatories in their commitment to: i) identify how existing strategies, programs, data, and targets align with the Sustainable Development Goals; ii) To provide at least one forum where stakeholders can come together to share experiences, lessons learned, and information gathered using the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals; and 3) To submit a Voluntary Local Review to the United Nations during the United Nations High-Level Political Forum.
Source: World Urban Forum

Promote sustainable urban development and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda at regional and local levels

The commitments made by LRG at the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, during WUF10 are as follows: • The constituency of LRG encourages all stakeholders are involved in local, territorial, national, and international plans to carry out the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator for the SDGs, to make this achievement a global endeavour so that our communities can find ownership in these agendas and truly make them a reality, addressing the challenges as one humanity. • The constituency of LRG commits to developing a sustainable development model that is strongly anchored in culture and human rights, upholding public service provision to ensure adequate living standards for all; the Right to the City needs to be a reality. • The constituency of LRG assumes a more prominent role for cities and local and regional governments in the discussions regarding the ecological transition, to localize climate action, prioritise nature-based solutions and traditional knowledge, and mainstream both nature and culture in sustainable urbanization. • The constituency of LRG commits to foster locally relevant cultural policies and programmes to maximize the relationship between cultural rights, memory, creativity, diversity and knowledges, to integrate heritage and culture in urban planning and to promote global cultural partnerships as strands of solidarity and vectors for peace; the promotion of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development needs to be pursued. • The constituency of LRG commits to understanding innovation beyond technology, placing communities at the centre of the agenda, and securing a technological revolution that services the communities, that guarantees equal access by all people, that fosters women empowerment, and that goes beyond the notion of consumerism. • The constituency of LRG commits to continue consolidating the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments as the representative mechanism through which our constituency provides inputs to the global agendas, building on the realities and expertise of our communities. The LRG further recognizes: • The urgent need for reducing risks in urban areas, in coherence with the New Urban Agenda, the Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, in order to save lives and livelihoods. • The urgent need to strengthen mechanisms for citizen participation that facilitate and measure women’s agenda-setting and leadership roles in planning and decision making • The urgent need to recognize and value the participation, knowledge and expertise of women and girls (across their diversities) by convening dialogue and agenda-setting processes that value lived experience, cultural expression, and grassroots community-generated data as innovative inputs to public policymaking and programming
Source: World Urban Forum

Make Cities Resilient by 2030

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction in partnership with UCLG, ICLEI, the World Bank, UN-Habitat, the World Council on City Data and the Global Resilient Cities Network (Rockefeller Foundation) recognize the urgent need for reducing risks in urban areas, in coherence with the New Urban Agenda, the Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. These organizations commit to making cities resilient by 2030, during the Decade of Action, through support to cities from their tools and knowledge products, their regional offices and networks and associations, and improved coordination with national governments and leaders of local governments.
Source: World Urban Forum