Promote sustainable urban development and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda at regional and local levels

Source of Action
World Urban Forum
2020 - 2023
Last Updated
18 September 2020


The commitments made by LRG at the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, during WUF10 are as follows: • The constituency of LRG encourages all stakeholders are involved in local, territorial, national, and international plans to carry out the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator for the SDGs, to make this achievement a global endeavour so that our communities can find ownership in these agendas and truly make them a reality, addressing the challenges as one humanity. • The constituency of LRG commits to developing a sustainable development model that is strongly anchored in culture and human rights, upholding public service provision to ensure adequate living standards for all; the Right to the City needs to be a reality. • The constituency of LRG assumes a more prominent role for cities and local and regional governments in the discussions regarding the ecological transition, to localize climate action, prioritise nature-based solutions and traditional knowledge, and mainstream both nature and culture in sustainable urbanization. • The constituency of LRG commits to foster locally relevant cultural policies and programmes to maximize the relationship between cultural rights, memory, creativity, diversity and knowledges, to integrate heritage and culture in urban planning and to promote global cultural partnerships as strands of solidarity and vectors for peace; the promotion of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development needs to be pursued. • The constituency of LRG commits to understanding innovation beyond technology, placing communities at the centre of the agenda, and securing a technological revolution that services the communities, that guarantees equal access by all people, that fosters women empowerment, and that goes beyond the notion of consumerism. • The constituency of LRG commits to continue consolidating the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments as the representative mechanism through which our constituency provides inputs to the global agendas, building on the realities and expertise of our communities. The LRG further recognizes: • The urgent need for reducing risks in urban areas, in coherence with the New Urban Agenda, the Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, in order to save lives and livelihoods. • The urgent need to strengthen mechanisms for citizen participation that facilitate and measure women’s agenda-setting and leadership roles in planning and decision making • The urgent need to recognize and value the participation, knowledge and expertise of women and girls (across their diversities) by convening dialogue and agenda-setting processes that value lived experience, cultural expression, and grassroots community-generated data as innovative inputs to public policymaking and programming


Asia and the Pacific

City, State, Country

Achalpur, Maharashtra, Republic of India

Level of Activity

UN System

Lead Entity


Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Focal Point

To be Confirmed
To be Confirmed
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Telephone : To be Confirmed