UN SG Quadrennial Reports

Reporting on the progress of the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda

As part of the Follow-Up and Review of the New Urban Agenda, the outcome document of Quito Habitat III conference invites the “General Assembly to request the Secretary-General, with voluntary inputs from countries and relevant regional and international organizations, to report on the progress of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda every four years”, with the first report to be submitted to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council in 2018. The New Urban Agenda further indicates that this report will provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the progress made in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and internationally agreed goals and targets relevant to sustainable urbanization and human settlements. The analysis will be based on the inputs provided by national, subnational and local governments. Moreover, the outcome document of Habitat III further states that “the preparation of this report will be coordinated by UN-Habitat in close collaboration with other relevant entities of the United Nations system, ensuring an inclusive United Nations system-wide coordination process”. NUA_QR_Reporting


UN SG Quadrennial Reports

UNQR2018 Elaboration

Reporting on the progress of the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda

As part of the Follow-Up and Review of the New Urban Agenda, the outcome document of Quito Habitat III conference invites the “General Assembly to request the Secretary-General, with voluntary inputs from countries and relevant regional and international organizations, to report on the progress of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda every four years”, with the first report to be submitted to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council in 2018. The New Urban Agenda further indicates that this report will provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the progress made in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and internationally agreed goals and targets relevant to sustainable urbanization and human settlements. The analysis will be based on the inputs provided by national, subnational and local governments. Moreover, the outcome document of Habitat III further states that “the preparation of this report will be coordinated by UN-Habitat in close collaboration with other relevant entities of the United Nations system, ensuring an inclusive United Nations system-wide coordination process”. NUA_QR_Reporting


Preparation of the second Quadrennial Report 2022
NUA Writeshop  

In accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution 71/235, UN-Habitat in close collaboration with different stakeholders prepared the 2022 Report of the Secretary-General on progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda (Quadrennial Report). This report is the second of a series of five quadrennial reports and an element of the follow-up to and review of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

The report aims to describe the incremental and inclusive approach made by national governments and other stakeholders on the implementation and monitoring of the New Urban Agenda. UN-Habitat organized a virtual Writeshop with a wide range of stakeholders to provide inputs for the Quadrennial Report 2022. The Writeshop was attended by over 60 representatives from local and regional governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, the United Nations system, professionals, research and academia.

To complement the report, National Reports submitted by various Member States provided a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the progress made in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and internationally agreed goals and targets relevant to sustainable urbanization and human settlements.

These Voluntary National Reports are publicly available on this Platform. Inputs based on activities of UN entities, the UN Regional Commissions and UN Resident Coordinator’s Offices, the major groups and their collaboration with relevant stakeholders have also been integrated in the report.


Preparation of the first Quadrennial Report 2018

The first of a series of five quadrennial reports were prepared in 2018. It illustrates the progress made by UN entities, national and subnational governments, local authorities and stakeholders in implementing and monitoring the New Urban Agenda during the initial 18 months since its adoption. 

UN-Habitat organized the first Expert Group Meeting (EGM) in Granada, Spain from March 20th-23rd of 2018. This EGM adopted a “Writers’ Workshop” methodology to advance in a collective manner in the preparation of this Report. The contributing Experts were from different regions, disciplines, levels of government, private sector, civil society and academia as well as representatives from the United Nations system. They provided inputs for an initial summary of the steps taken towards the implementation of the NUA, highlight key areas where progress needs to be accelerated and what bottlenecks are currently in place, in addition to examining roles of the various stakeholders. Read the Background paper for the preparation of the Quadrennial Report 2018 “SG Report to ECOSOC on the Progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda Report of the Secretary-General” Final version prepared in the Writeshop, Granada here.

The Supplement Document of the Quadrennial Report presents the strategy, roadmap and approach for the preparation of subsequent reports. It is more of a system based approach that integrates some quantitative and qualitative information, as an example of how these best practices and policies will be used in the future.





Preparation of the second Quadrennial Report 2022

NUA Writeshop  

In accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution 71/235, UN-Habitat in close collaboration with different stakeholders prepared the 2022 Report of the Secretary-General on progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda (Quadrennial Report). This report is the second of a series of five quadrennial reports and an element of the follow-up to and review of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

The report aims to describe the incremental and inclusive approach made by national governments and other stakeholders on the implementation and monitoring of the New Urban Agenda. UN-Habitat organized a virtual Writeshop with a wide range of stakeholders to provide inputs for the Quadrennial Report 2022. The Writeshop was attended by over 60 representatives from local and regional governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, the United Nations system, professionals, research and academia.

To complement the report, National Reports submitted by various Member States provided a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the progress made in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and internationally agreed goals and targets relevant to sustainable urbanization and human settlements.

These Voluntary National Reports are publicly available on this Platform. Inputs based on activities of UN entities, the UN Regional Commissions and UN Resident Coordinator’s Offices, the major groups and their collaboration with relevant stakeholders have also been integrated in the report.


Preparation of the first Quadrennial Report 2018

The first of a series of five quadrennial reports were prepared in 2018. It illustrates the progress made by UN entities, national and subnational governments, local authorities and stakeholders in implementing and monitoring the New Urban Agenda during the initial 18 months since its adoption. 

UN-Habitat organized the first Expert Group Meeting (EGM) in Granada, Spain from March 20th-23rd of 2018. This EGM adopted a “Writers’ Workshop” methodology to advance in a collective manner in the preparation of this Report. The contributing Experts were from different regions, disciplines, levels of government, private sector, civil society and academia as well as representatives from the United Nations system. They provided inputs for an initial summary of the steps taken towards the implementation of the NUA, highlight key areas where progress needs to be accelerated and what bottlenecks are currently in place, in addition to examining roles of the various stakeholders. Read the Background paper for the preparation of the Quadrennial Report 2018 “SG Report to ECOSOC on the Progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda Report of the Secretary-General” Final version prepared in the Writeshop, Granada here.

The Supplement Document of the Quadrennial Report presents the strategy, roadmap and approach for the preparation of subsequent reports. It is more of a system based approach that integrates some quantitative and qualitative information, as an example of how these best practices and policies will be used in the future.



