

The New Urban Agenda document is rich and complex. The objectives embedded in the global policy framework for urban sustainability cover a large spectrum of interconnected social, economic, environmental and spatial policies and interventions. This complexity requires clear explanation and demonstration of the diversity of actions and practicalities that the implementation of the New Urban Agenda entails. The capacities of different stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals vary tremendously from one place to another. Do you have an online course, podcast or other learning tool you want to suggest?

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New Urban Agenda Crash Course

This course explains and illustrates the New Urban Agenda in an easily accessible format. The course is intended for anyone with an interest in sustainable urbanization. It is particularly useful to public civil servants, mayors, local government officials, architects, urban planners, NGO workers and volunteers, and employees of international organizations.

After taking the course, you will be able to:

  • • Explain the timely importance of the New Urban Agenda and sustainable urbanization
  • • Understand and describe various dimensions and concepts of the New Urban Agenda
  • • Implement important concepts of the New Urban Agenda in practice

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