Sustainable Development Education and Literacy (Jan 2020-Jan 2022)

Source of Action
2020 - 2022
Last Updated
22 September 2020


Background and Objective

Milestone 1: Universiti Putra Malaysia commits that by 2021 will introduce elements of sustainability subject and literacy across all of its curriculum review process. Start From: DEC 2020

Milestone 2: Universiti Putra Malaysia commits that by 2022 will embed subjects on sustainability across all subject for the new curriculum. Start From: DEC 2021

Milestone 3: Universiti Putra Malaysia commits that by 2022 will enshrined subjects on sustainability across all subject for the new curriculum. End on: DEC 2022

Actions and Implementation

Universiti Putra Malaysia would provide resources such as funding, platform and capacity building for its staff in order to execute this commitment.

Challenges Experienced


Declared Actions Focus Area

Foster Global City to-City Cooperation

Make Cities Resilient by 2030

City, State, Country

Achalpur, Maharashtra, Republic of India

Lead Entity

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Focal Point

To be Confirmed
To be Confirmed
Email :
Telephone : To be Confirmed