Social Plastic


Through the Social Plastic® initiative, The Plastic Bank seeks to monetize plastic waste.

Actions and Implementation

They encourage residents in developing contexts to see plastic as currency. Collected waste can be traded at local transfer stations for other goods and services, the collected plastic is then recycled and sold internationally as Social Plastic®. The Plastic Bank sets up micro- recycling depots where residents who collect plastic waste (from the environment, from households or from industry), then can take the plastic to trade it in for cash, goods or services. The plastic is transferred to local plastic recycling plants where it can either be recycled into virgin plastic ready to be sold to international companies under the Social Plastic® brand, or it can be used as feedstock for 3D printers to make items needed within the community…

Innovative Initiative

Regenerative and circular urban processes

Resources devoted to delivery

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Latin America and the Caribbean

Award Scheme

World Urban Campaign

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

New Urban Agenda Commitments

Related Best Practices