The Habitat Commitment Index 2.0: An Assessment of Global Urban Performance


In 2015, the Global Urban Futures Project (GUF), a research initiative at the New School, developed the Habitat Commitment Index (HCI) to quantitatively measure country performance in fulfilling commitments made in the Habitat Agenda adopted at the Habitat II conference in 1996. The HCI is a composite score of 15 indicators at the country level that are essential to urban well-being.

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No. Title Source Author Publication Title Volume Number Date Page Number 1 Gobiernos y movimientos sociales en desacuerdo sobre futuro urbano Inter Press Service Emilio Godoy Gobiernos y movimientos sociales en desacuerdo sobre futuro urbano N/A October 21, 2016 gobiernos-y-movimientos-socialesen- desacuerdo-sobre-futuro-urbano/ Edit 2 Habitat III y la deuda de los paises con el desarrollo urbano El Espectador Redacción Bogotá Habitat III y la deuda de los paises con el desarrollo urbano N/A October 18, 2016 noticias/bogota/habitat-iii-y-deudade- los-paises-el-desarrollo-urbanoarticulo- 660998 Edit 3 A Midterm Report: Will Habitat III Make A Difference to the World’s Urban Development? Journal of the American Planning Association Eugenie L. Birch A Midterm Report: Will Habitat III Make A Difference to the World’s Urban Development? Volume 82, 2016 Issue 4 September 22, 2016 10.1080/01944363.2016.1216326 Edit 4 Global Urban Futures Project Announces Habitat Commitment Index NYC Philanthropy Michael Cohen, Bart Orr, and Lena Simet Global Urban Futures Project Announces Habitat Commitment Index N/A September 15, 2016 news/global-urban-futures-projectannounces- habitat-commitmentindex Edit 5 Commit - and also Verify: Putting Reality Checks into the World’s “New Urban Agenda” Center for NYC Affairs Michael Cohen, Bart Orr, and Lena Simet Commit - and also Verify: Putting Reality Checks into the World’s “New Urban Agenda” N/A September 14, 2016 index/ Edit 6 Habitat III and the Draft New Urban Agenda: The Contentious Clause The Indian Express Shalini Nair Habitat III and the Draft New Urban Agenda: The Contentious Clause N/A August 22, 2016 india/india-news-india/habitat-iiiand- draft-new-urban-agenda-rightto- city-3010794/ Edit 7 India lacking in Implementation of 1996 UN agendas on urban development: Report The Indian Express PTI India lacking in Implementation of 1996 UN agendas on urban development: Report N/A August 22, 2016 india/india-news-india/india-foundlacking- in-implementation-of-1996- un-agendas-on-urbandevelopment- 2990826/ Edit 8 Questioning the New Urban Agenda Jakarta Post Rita Padawangi Questioning the New Urban Agenda N/A July 29, 2016 academia/2016/07/29/questioningthe- new-urban-agenda.html Edit 9 Countries only made marginal progress on urban commitments since 1996, index finds Citiscope Gregory Scruggs Countries only made marginal progress on urban commitments since 1996, index finds N/A July 26, 2016 2016/07/countries-made-onlymarginal- progress-urbancommitments- 1996-index-finds


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