State of Land and Resource Tenure Reform in the Philippines 2023 (2nd edition)
Land and resource tenure reforms have long been instituted in the Philippines, manifesting a rights-based approach to poverty reduction and social equity.
This paper was produced as part of the Arab Land Initiative through a collaboration of the Urban Training and Studies Institute (UTI), the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). It summarizes the findings of a Palestine land sector evaluation that employed both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to gather, process, and analyse primary and secondary data on land management. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and key informant interviews with respondents from government, civil society, and academia. The study assesses the country's capacities with regard to good land governance by evaluating its performance on the core land administration functions of land tenure, land valuation, land use, land development, and land conflict resolution. Additionally, it maps the existing learning offer on land governance, identifying the key institutions and the courses available in Palestine. A set of conclusions are recommendations complements the analysis.
Land and resource tenure reforms have long been instituted in the Philippines, manifesting a rights-based approach to poverty reduction and social equity.
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The report 'Land, Housing, and Property in Jordan: A review of the legal, institutional and administrative frameworks' lays out the policies, laws, regulations, practices, trends and challenges pertin